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Unlock Your ​Leadership Skills ​with Dina

Comprehensive consultancy ​services tailored for leaders in ​their fields to excel at new ​heights.

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About Executive ​Services

A transformative consulting program led by Dina ​Alwaheab to help leaders. This program provides ​guidance and accountability to help them ​achieve their professional and/or personal goals.

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Stages of this ​Service

Initial Consultation

Goal-setting and personalized plan ​development. Assess current work ​habits and behaviors. Explore ideal ​work environments.

In-Person Sessions

Three 1-hour in-person sessions for ​implementing personalized plans, ​including interactive exercises, strategy ​development, and skill-building, with ​opportunities to discuss progress.

Phone Call Check-ins

4 scheduled 30-minute phone calls ​between in-person sessions for support, ​questions, and adjustments. Calls help ​maintain momentum, provide feedback, ​and keep you motivated.

Workplace Visits


Workplace visits to identify mismatches ​and provide on-site support and ​personalized advice.

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Dina Al-waheab

Dina Alwaheab is a respected Business and Organizational Psychologist ​with a Master’s degree from Coventry University. With over 18 years of ​experience in private and government sectors, she is a member of The ​Association of Business Psychology-UK.

Dina founded the SpeakUp Kuwait program, which integrates ​psychology and public speaking. She is Chairman of the Association for ​the Improvement of the Workplace Environment in Kuwait and ​provides therapy and executive therapy at the Kuwait Counselling ​Center. Her expertise includes organizational culture, emotional ​intelligence, leadership, women’s empowerment, and mental health in ​management.

I am Ready to Become A ​Better Leader

Dina AlWaheab Copyright 2024